The current privacy policy regarding the protection of personal data, information on the use of cookies on the website , information on the provision of services electronically.

1. The personal data administrator is D resó Sp. z o. o. Sp. K. with registered office in Glucholazy, address" ul. Poprzeczna 7, 48-340 Głuchołazy, entered in the Commercial Register maintained by the District Court in Opole, VIII Economic Section of the Commercial Register number 0000667895, ID: 366758420, Tax ID : 7532443121 ( hereinafter referred to as "Administrator " )

2. The personal data of the Customers are processed through the Administrator in accordance with the generally applicable legal regulations, including those on the protection of personal data of August 29, 1997 (i.e. Dz.U. from 2016, Item 922) and the regulation of the European of the Parliament and the Council (UE) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of the natural person following the processing of personal data and following the free flow of data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/WE ( General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data - RODO ).

3. If the Customer places an order in the online store - with the Customer's free, prior consent - the Administrator reports the Customer's personal data, which are necessary for the execution of the order. Communication of personal data through the Customer for the purpose of order implementation is completely voluntary, however, failure to communicate personal data, the communication of which is necessary due to the nature of the service provided, prevents the operation of the order and the establishment, maintenance and use of the Customer Account.

4. If the Customer creates a Customer Account, will process the Customer's personal data, such as: first and last name, e-mail address for the purpose of creating and using the Account through the Customer. Communication of personal data through the Customer for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and using the Customer Account is voluntary, however, failure to submit ( delete ) personal data, the communication of which is necessary due to the nature of the service provided, prevents the operation of the order and the creation, maintenance and use of the Customer Account.

5. If the Customer has given consent, will process the Customer's personal data for marketing purposes. Consent to the processing of personal data through the Customer for marketing purposes is voluntary.

6. Giving consent through the Customer to the processing of personal data through for the purpose of sending information to customers electronically is also voluntary.

7. The website uses technology known as cookies. The user can turn off the option of accepting cookies in their web browser at any time. Otherwise, it may cause some problems in using the website .

8. Changing the conditions for storing or accepting cookies is possible thanks to the settings in the Customer's web browser.

9. is not responsible for the privacy policy of websites to which links from are placed.

10. The collection of the server logo (IP address, domain ) is stored indefinitely and used to generate useful statistics in the management of the website . The summaries have summary provisions and do not identify the person who visits . Logos are not shown to people unrelated to the regulations of the site . Based on the files of cookies, statistics can be generated, useful in the management of the website.

11. In the online store, it is not possible to use services provided electronically anonymously or using a pseudonym. The composition of data such as: first name, last name, address for correspondence ( city, postal code, street, house number, apartment, country ) e-mail address, mobile number is necessary due to the characteristics of the provision of the debt, i.e. the goal is to implement via orders placed through the Customer thanks to the online store.

12. replace the technical and organizational security measures of personal data sent electronically through the online store, which prevent the collection and modification of this data by unauthorized persons.


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